Jun 26, 2019
What is sleep and why does it feel like most of the time we can never get enough of it? Why do we even need it at all? And why do we fight it even though it makes us feel worse? So many simple questions about something we all spend a third of our lives doing. In this episode we discuss this important part of the...
Jun 19, 2019
Another new series we're adding to our topics list will focus on subjects that are considered "taboo" in our society. We'll be kicking off this series with the topic of our first episode being on one of the oldest taboos in our culture; sex. We've always found it perplexing why one of the most important and major parts...
Jun 12, 2019
Starting up another new series for us, this one dealing with addiction and various substances and behaviors that are or can become addictive. Our first step into this series deals with what is for many, actually a two part addiction. Coffee, among other ingredients, contains two addictive substances: caffeine and...
Jun 5, 2019
Introducing another new series for us where we discuss topics related to sex. We kick off our first episode in this series covering an interesting relationship that is growing between sex toys and an emerging technology called virtual reality. The sex toy and porn industry have both seen a lot of growth and changes...